THERMA-TRANZ TRANSFER OIL PENNZOIL Selangor, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur (KL), Puncak Alam Supplier, Suppliers, Supply, Supplies | Alto Angkasa Sdn Bhd
Pennzoil Therma-Tranz is a premium heat transfer oil designed to give outstanding seruice ln a variety ofapplications. lt is blended from high viscosity index parraffinic base oils and fortifled wlth oxidation inhibitors to enhance high temperature performance and stability. Pennzoil fherma_Tranz rs resistanl to ox dat on and high temperature degradation, giving this fluld a long usable life and minimlzing ;eposit formation that can be inhibit efficient heai transfer'


. Bended from high viscosity index pamtrnlc base ois and loniiied wilh ox dallon i.hlbiioE to e.hance h gh lemperature pedormance and stability
- Resistant to oxidation and high temperature degradation


- Blended wih naturally high VI base oil
- Contains high temperature oxidation inhibitors
- Minimizes deposit information
- Long fluid life


- ISO VG 32

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